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Transaction list

Khalti provides API for retrieving list of payments made to a merchant. A merchant should use secret test and live keys for retrieving test and live payment list respectively.

List of transactions can also be viewed after logging on Khalti website with merchant account.

Replace <secret key> with test or live secret key as per required.

Response is paginated and in the following format:

  "total_pages": 1,
  "total_records": 2,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "record_range": [
  "current_page": 1,
  "records": [
      "idx": "8xmeJnNXfoVjCvGcZiiGe7",
      "type": {
        "idx": "e476BL6jt9kgagEmsakyTL",
        "name": "Wallet payment"
      "state": {
        "idx": "DhvMj9hdRufLqkP8ZY4d8g",
        "name": "Completed",
        "template": "is complete"
      "amount": 1000,
      "fee_amount": 30,
      "refunded": false,
      "created_on": "2018-06-20T14:48:08.867125+05:45",
      "ebanker": null,
      "user": {
        "idx": "cCaPkRPQGn5D8StkiqqMJg",
        "name": "Test User",
        "mobile": "98XXXXXXX9"
      "merchant": {
        "idx": "UM75Gm2gWmZvA4TPwkwZye",
        "name": "Test Merchant",
        "mobile": ""
      "idx": "eWAyLgv9N6FjGnwYqhLpXC",
      "type": {
        "idx": "e476BL6jt9kgagEmsakyTL",
        "name": "Wallet payment"
      "state": {
        "idx": "Dhvaj9hdRufLqkP8ZY4d8g",
        "name": "Confirmed",
        "template": "is confirm"
      "amount": 10000,
      "fee_amount": 0,
      "refunded": false,
      "created_on": "2018-07-06T16:54:33.361956+05:45",
      "ebanker": null,
      "user": {
        "idx": "cCaPkRPQGn5D8StkiqqMJg",
        "name": "Test User",
        "mobile": "98XXXXXXX9"
      "merchant": {
        "idx": "UM75Gm2gWmZvA4TPwkwZye",
        "name": "Test Merchant",
        "mobile": ""

API Request Examples

curl \
-H "Authorization:Key <secret key>
$url = "";

# Make the call using API.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

$headers = ['Authorization: Key test_secret_key_f59e8b7d18b4499ca40f68195a846e9b'];
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

// Response
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$status_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
import requests

url = ""
payload = {}
headers = {
  "Authorization": "Key test_secret_key_f59e8b7d18b4499ca40f68195a846e9b"

response = requests.get(url, payload, headers = headers)
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

headers = {
  Authorization: "Key live_secret_key_fc1207298be544b99fa3ad41c7d7b324"
uri = URI.parse("")
https =, uri.port)
https.use_ssl = true
request =, headers)
response = https.request(request)

puts response.body