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This document explains the various requests to implement banking payment system using Khalti.

First and foremost, please read the docs at to understand the basic workflow of the merchant API.


1. Get Bank List

This API provides the bank list. The request signature for initiation is as follows:

  • URL:
  • Method: GET

The response contains list of banks with the details as shown below.

{ ...
  "records": [
        "idx":  "Yy6jFwuwssihs77PHGjwAZ",
        "name": "<Bank Name>",
        "short_name":   "<Truncated Name>",
        "logo":     "<logo source>",
        "has_cardpayment":  false,
        "address":  "<Bank address>",
        "has_ebanking": true,
        "has_direct_withdraw":  false,
        "has_nchl": false,
        "has_mobile_banking":   false,
        "play_store":   "",
        "app_store": ""

2. Initiate transaction

As the title says, this API is called to initiates the transaction.

E.g. When the user clicks Checkout button, you will need to prompt for their Khalti registered mobile number, and call this API once the payer submits.

The request signature for initiation is as follows:

  • URL:
  • Method: POST
  • Data:
  • public_key: Required. Either test or live public key.
  • mobile: Required. The Khalti registered mobile number of payer.
  • amount: Required. The amount value of payment. Amount must be in paisa and greater than equal to 1000 i.e Rs 10.
  • product_identity: Required. A string to identify the product.
  • product_name: Required. Descriptive name for the product.false
  • bank:Required.A bank idx,
  • source:Required. web, android, ios, or custom,
  • return_url:Optional. It is required if source key is custom or ios.
  • payment_type: Possible values: connectips or ebanking or mobilecheckout or sct

return_url for ios platform creates a url scheme for browser to open current app and if for custom redirects window to this url with data,

Additional information about the product can be passed along with this for reporting purposes. The keys for additional data must be prefixed with merchant_.

A sample request adhering to the above signature will look something like this:

  "public_key": "live_public_key_546eb6da05544d7d88961db04fdb9721",
  "mobile": "9842XXXXXX",
  "amount": 10000,
  "product_identity": "book/id-120",
  "product_name": "A Song of Ice and Fire",
  "bank": "Yy6jFwuwssihs77PHGjwAZ",
  "source": "web"

With this request khalti server will redirect your client to bank portal where user can access e-banking, finally redirecting back to original/parent page with the response.

Data Retrival

Once transaction is initated, user interacts with banking system. After transaction is completed getting success or failure response is tricky. There are different ways based on different source.


For android it returns data with the intent


For ios you need to provide return_url and response data is binded with it. Finally, custom url for the action is


If you have provided return url and source as custom as following:

  "return_url": "",
  "source": "custom"
You will then get redirection to return_url with data as below.


And with web response data is stored in local storage with

localstorage.setItem("confirmation-data", {{data}})

The storage event is fired when a storage area (localStorage or sessionStorage) has been modified. So, while implementing it needs to listen the storage event and read localstorage value as data with the key confirmation-data. The example is like this:

window.addEventListener("storage", function (event) {
  if (event.key == "confirmation-data") {
    data = JSON.parse(event.newValue);
    // this is the final response with looks json shown below

Finally, a successful request will yield a response that looks something like this:

  "token": "VGMyaKVDQQyorBiQ3W99WL",
  "amount": 10000,
  "mobile": "98XXXXX099",
  "product_identity": "book/id-120",
  "product_name": "A Song of Ice and Fire"

3. Verify transaction

The API requests mentioned in previous steps are to be made from the client side i.e. from the front-end. Once those steps are complete, you need to make a verification request using your secret key from the server.

See for more information on how to verify the transaction.


  1. While testing you might need to interact with actual system of banks. There is no sandbox or testing environment for using banking system.
  2. Prevent parent page (that initiates redirection) for closing until payment process is not completed. You will not get final response unless bank portal provides success/response message.