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Transaction Status

Khalti provides API for transaction status/lookup to check the state of the user's transaction made to the merchant. A merchant should use secret test and live keys to check test and live transaction status respectively.


The request signature for transaction lookup is as follows:

  • URL:
  • Method: GET
  • Headers:
    • Authorization: test or live secret key in the form Key <secret key>
  • Params:
    • token: Token or idx given by Khalti after payment confirmation.
    • amount: Amount (in paisa) with which payment was initiated.


Once you've made a request as specified above, Khalti server will return you a response of Transaction States in the following format.

Success Response

Success response consists of the Complete state.

Completed State

    "status": true,
    "detail": "Transaction complete.",
    "state": "Complete"

Error Response

1. Transaction Not Found

An error occurs, if wrong token/idx or wrong amount is passed in the parameter. It consist of the detail of error.

    "status": false,
    "state": "Error",
    "detail": "Transaction not found"

2. Failed State

A transaction could be failed due to the possibility of 'confirmation_code' exploitation.

    "status": false,
    "detail": "Transaction failed.",
    "state": "Failed"

Other Responses

1. Initiated State

Transactions are initiated after mobile number and khalti pin along with other transaction details are provided.

    "status": true,
    "detail": "Transaciton initiated.",
    "state": "Initiated"

2. Confirmed State

A transaction is confirmed after transaction details (transaction token, confirmation_code and 3rd party transaction_pin) are provided by the consumer.

    "status": true,
    "detail": "Transaciton not verified.",
    "state": "Confirmed"

3. Refunded State

    "status": false,
    "detail": "Transaciton refunded.",
    "state": "Refunded"

4. Partially Refunded State

    "status": false,
    "detail": "Transaction partially refunded.",
    "state": "Partially refunded"

Example Requests

Assuming the token/idx that we received is XPPrDcwtHUg4UQbWEnxRzA.

import requests

url = ""
params = {
  "token": "XPPrDcwtHUg4UQbWEnxRzA",
  "amount": 1000
headers = {
  "Authorization": "Key test_secret_key_f59e8b7d18b4499ca40f68195a846e9b"

response = requests.get(url, params, headers = headers)
const axios = require('axios');

let data = {
  "token": "XPPrDcwtHUg4UQbWEnxRzA",
  "amount": 1000

let config = {
  headers: {'Authorization': 'Key test_secret_key_f59e8b7d18b4499ca40f68195a846e9b'}

axios.get("", data, config)
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {