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Web SDK (Deprecated)


This version of Web SDK has been deprecated and replaced by e-Payment (checkout) version.

Please refer to ePayment Checkout for the latest version.

This documentation details the process of Khalti Web/JavaScript SDK integration in your website/app. We also have SDKs for Android and iOS.


To get the feel of how Khalti checkout looks click the button below.


Khalti checkout can be integrated with or without build tools like Webpack and Rollup.

Install Without build tools

    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Place this where you need payment button -->
    <button id="payment-button">Pay with Khalti</button>
    <!-- Place this where you need payment button -->
    <!-- Paste this code anywhere in you body tag -->
        var config = {
            // replace the publicKey with yours
            "publicKey": "test_public_key_dc74e0fd57cb46cd93832aee0a390234",
            "productIdentity": "1234567890",
            "productName": "Dragon",
            "productUrl": "",
            "paymentPreference": [
            "eventHandler": {
                onSuccess (payload) {
                    // hit merchant api for initiating verfication
                onError (error) {
                onClose () {
                    console.log('widget is closing');

        var checkout = new KhaltiCheckout(config);
        var btn = document.getElementById("payment-button");
        btn.onclick = function () {
            // minimum transaction amount must be 10, i.e 1000 in paisa.
  {amount: 1000});
    <!-- Paste this code anywhere in you body tag -->

Click here for details on config parameters.

Install with build tools

Khalti checkout can be bundled with build tools like Webpack, Rollup, etc.

1. Install khalti-checkout-web

Using yarn

yarn add khalti-checkout-web

Using npm

npm install khalti-checkout-web --save

2. Import and use it in your desired component

import KhaltiCheckout from "khalti-checkout-web";

let config = {
    // replace this key with yours
    "publicKey": "test_public_key_dc74e0fd57cb46cd93832aee0a390234",
    "productIdentity": "1234567890",
    "productName": "Drogon",
    "productUrl": "",
    "eventHandler": {
        onSuccess (payload) {
            // hit merchant api for initiating verfication
        // onError handler is optional
        onError (error) {
            // handle errors
        onClose () {
            console.log('widget is closing');
    "paymentPreference": ["KHALTI", "EBANKING","MOBILE_BANKING", "CONNECT_IPS", "SCT"],

let checkout = new KhaltiCheckout(config);
let btn = document.getElementById("payment-button");
btn.onclick = function () {
    // minimum transaction amount must be 10, i.e 1000 in paisa.{amount: 1000});


  • KhaltiCheckout(configuration?)

    This creates an instance of the KhaltiCheckOut class. The configuration argument is a JavaScript object. See configuration for details on available configuration parameters.

  • show(configuration?)

    • Displays the Khalti checkout widget.
    • Receives configuration as argument.
    • Provide amount and mobile to prefill the checkout widget field. Amount must be in paisa and greater than equal to 1000 i.e Rs 10.{amount: 1000, mobile: 98XXXXXXXX})

    • mobile is an optional field and expects Khalti Registered Number for wallet payment.
  • hide()

    Hide the widget.


Configuration is a Javascript object with following attributes.

Key Required Type Value
publickKey true string Test or live public key which identifies the merchant.
amount true integer Amount to pay must be in paisa. Minimum transaction amount is 1000 paisa ie Rs 10
productIdentity true string Unique product identifier at merchant.
productName true string Name of product.
productUrl true string Url of product.
eventHandler true object It is a javascript object with three methods
mobile false integer Mobile number of consumer.
paymentPreference false array If not provided all the payment options will be rendered. It is javascript array with these options "KHALTI", "EBANKING", "MOBILE_BANKING" "CONNECT_IPS", "SCT"
  1. onSuccess This method is called once a transaction is confirmed by a user. The success response is in the following format:
    "idx": "8xmeJnNXfoVjCvGcZiiGe7",
    "amount": 1000,
    "mobile": "98XXXXX969",
    "product_identity": "1234567890",
    "product_name": "Dragon",
    "product_url": "",
    "token": "QUao9cqFzxPgvWJNi9aKac"

It receives transaction idx of transaction, token, amount and other (key/)values with payloads. One should implement this method to initiate payment verification at merchant which in turn will make verification request at Khalti.

Now you should send these values to your server and call khalti server to verify the transaction. For documentation on verification follow this link.

  1. onError (optional) This method is optional. If implemented, it will receive errors that occured during payment initiation and confirmation. Example error format for Invalid Khalti PIN or Confirmation Code:

The error response during initiation will be something like this:

    "detail":"Mobile or pin invalid.",

The error response during confirmation will be somethig like this:

    "message": undefined,
    "payload": {
        "detail": "Confirmation code or transaction pin does not match."
    "status_code": 400
  1. onClose (optional) This method is also optional. If implemented, this method is called when close icon(X) of the widget is called.

Additionally Configuration also accepts attribute starting with merchant_ that can be used to pass additional (meta) data.

  • merchant_name: This is merchant name

  • merchant_extra: This is extra data

The additional data starting with merchant_ is returned in success response payload.

Check out the source for Khalti checkout on Github.

Now, for server side integration check Verification and Transaction api.